We Saw Madiba
With Our Own Eyes!
We know, not because we were told
but because we saw, that love
is the greatest power on earth.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
When our enemies torment us
in every way, we know
they cannot defeat the love in our hearts.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
When we think we can’t bear
another indignity without lashing
out at our enemies: We can.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
When we think we cannot forgive
the wrongs done to us, we remember
we are made of Madiba stuff.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
When we think we cannot hope
for forgiveness, we remember
what we once saw a man forgive.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
When we think we must pump up our hate
to overpower our enemies, we remember
what triumphed in Madiba’s day.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
We know, even when hatred as hot
as a torch fires our hearts,
that love can welcome the flame.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
We know truth and justice
will always triumph.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
We know the sweet freedom that flows
from acknowledgement and apology.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
We know the rightness and joy
that forgiveness can liberate.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
We know the power of love.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
We promise not to forget.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
Madiba is the soul of every one of us.
Madiba is the soul that we all breathe today.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
Tell every child, every elder and traveler.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
We beg every teacher to show us the way.
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
We saw Madiba with our own eyes!
Jameson O’Neal
December 2013
Bend, Oregon USA